

archival print/dibond/white frame
59-77.9 inches, (edition 5 + 2 a.p.)

The only one of the three volcanoes of Pozzuoli that is still active dates from 1198. The Solfatara volcano has a height of 458 meters and was the result of a phreatic eruption. This means that the magma came into contact with groundwater, emitting steam and pulverized rock. In ancient Roman times, this volcano was known as Forum Vulcani and was considered a healing source. The volcano is only active to a limited extent, but it still has many solfatars, a type of fumaroles named after the volcano.
The Solfatara is located in a volcanic area Campi Flegrei in Italy caused by the Alpine orogeny, in which the African plate collides with the Eurasian plate. Solfatara is one of the most active parts of this supervolcano. Since 2017, the Solfatara crater has been closed to the public due to a serious incident involving visitors. The adjacent campsite has since turned into a ruin.

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